Hello everyone - first post. I'm usually a lurker on most forums, but I believe I have stumbled upon something that many of you may find valuable. I recently was looking for a way to run Aranock in a window and I believe I have come across a solution that is simpler to set up and use than the
previously considered method using virtual machines.The utility is called DxWnd (search for it, and look for the Sourceforge link - I can't post external links due to my forum account's newness), and it appears that it was developed quite a while ago (early 2000's) with the main purpose being to run old fullscreen video games in windows.
The program seems pretty simple to use. You just start the DxWnd, add a configuration for Aranock to the list, set the options for how to handle input/output to the game through the window, and then run the program from DxWnd.
Initially, I was getting some garbled display to the window, but with a little fiddling, I have a configuration that seems to work perfectly. So, here's a little tutorial on getting this set up.
First, download and extract the DxWnd rar. When you run the DxWnd program, a small window will come up with a list of games whose proper configurations have already been determined. Personally, I don't have any of those games so I removed them from the list. Now, you need to add a configuration for Aranock - so select Add from the edit menu. Now, give the configuration a name (e.g. Aranock) and browse to the Aranock exe for the path field. Now check the following boxes:
Under "Surface handling":
Emulate Primary Surface
Reset PRIMARY surface
Under "Cursor handling":
Correct mouse position
Under "Windows handling":
Make child win transparent
Hook CHILD windows
I've also checked "Optimize CPU (DirectX1-7)" under "Generic," but this should be optional.
Anyway, this is what is working for me. YMMV, so feel free to try out your own configurations and feel free to post your results for others to see.
Now, hit 'OK' and run the game from DxWnd. Finally, log in to Aranock and enjoy your new-found freedom to enjoy browsing the web or watching a movie while penting!
P.S. - I feel obligated to leave a DISCLAIMER here. This program is not my work, it is something I stumbled across in a Google search. Furthermore, I can't be held accountable if something goes wrong and results in any issues for your computer or your game. In fact, I suggest making a backup copy of your entire Aranock folder before doing any of this, just in case. Also, I don't believe this program contains any malicious code (I used my AV to search it), but these things can happen.