A new command /switch <N> has been added.
If item is carried on the mouse then it sets the switch group number on the item to N.
If no item is carried then it tries to wear any item with that specific switch number.
If more than one piece (e.g helm) has the same switch number then it will substitute the first one found into that slot.
A number of different options were reviewed and the following was selected.
Option with integer bit flags
N is limited to the number of bits in an integer = 16 switch groups (numbered 0-15).
An item can belong to multiple groups at the same time.
What this means if that if you happen to have a Godly Lion Helm then you may want it to be in your Bless, Protect and Enhance groups (1,2,3) whilst your Godly Bear Helm may be in your combat group (4),
The F12 switch command was disabled.
It could be left but it becomes more problematic to use with many groups available.
Note that the /switch command can be programmed into hot keys if your keyboard supports this.
ID spell was modified to show the groups.
My understanding is that some people have raised concerns regarding the disabling of the F12 function.
It can be easily re-enabled but I am not sure what it would do as there are up to 16 groups to select from.