I want to thank each and every one of you for your commitment towards the game. Aranock has come a long way since v2 and I am very pleased that there is still great interest in it. I can honestly say that my time as an admin on this server has been incredibly fun and rewarding in so many ways, and I only have you to thank for that.
LL, thank you for all the hard work you've done in the past and all the work you are currently doing. Being the only God requires a lot of time commitment and we don't thank you enough for the hard work you do. We also appreciate that you absorb the server costs to allow us to play this beautiful game free of charge.
To my fellow staffers, thank you for helping us out. Your efforts are greatly appreciated and do not go unnoticed. Your administration duties, organized events and ideas you bring to the table help grow the game we all love very much.
To the community, thank you for your interest in this game. LL, myself and the other staff are only human and have other real life commitments that make it hard for us to log in as much as we'd like. Your love for the game encourages us to keep at it even when life throws you a curve ball.
Thank you for believing in us, and for sticking around during our slow times. With that being said, there are a lot of new updates/areas/items/etc to come in the near future.
Please keep a lookout on the forums for more updates.
Thank you.