I realized when I was in U3 the other day, itd be a worthwhile investment. I was in U3.. fully spelled on drugs (dduke eye) on an earl AH. Duke stunned me and 4 proceeded to rip a fresh MS to shreds followed by the constantly ping ping ping of blasts from all sides. I hit C2.. still stunned. 30%.. I hit MS.. 15% I hit heal.. still stunned. At 1% I came out of it, I had forgotten to hit esc. I C2ed. I dropped to 0%. Whew.. back up to 1% and then a heal. I realized the only reason I didn't die was the extra HP from ankh armor/prison ammy. Thus, here I am investing in life. My life!
Hope you enjoyed the story, now cough it up and lemme know what the price is :p