And living free!
The lord of marsupials, Bandicoot gathered his pack of followers together for a little lighthearted jaunt through town.
Spotting a Janitor I suggested we have a bit of fun at his expense
The bewildered Janitor looked stunned for a second and then to the surprise of all went straight back to his duties as if nothing had occurred.
Running throughout the town we decided to head to our natural habitat in the mountains. Unfortunately our merry band was driven back by the vicious Barbarians who dwell within.
Mourning our departed brothers and sisters we decided to disband the pack and return to the lives from whence we came. With a flourish of his paw Bandicoot transformed us into our former selves.
While not a test of strength or wits, to run with the pack gave us a joy unique in it's gaiety and we all thank Bandicoot for the little bit of fun to brighten our day in Aranock.