Two things that are making me really frustrated right now having to deal with rank requirements for certain quests.
1st, I don't understand why they exist at all, if you and your group are capable of completing the quest then you are a high enough rank to complete the quest. Making these rank requirements just makes it so you have to wait till the quest is no longer a challenge which doesn't make sense to me. I love playing this game and trying to do stuff at the lowest rank possible (like when I killed shiva at capt). If some1 could please explain this to me that would be great.
The 2nd thing is why is there no information about this? It's ridiculous that they take the quest item after you go through all the time of doing it and there is no posts anywhere that say the min ranks for the quests. I don't know about you, but if my major takes the time to go through emmy cave and then gets his axe to go poof because of some requirement that makes me really mad. So if some1 could please post all the min ranks requirements for the quests, I'll then know not to exert any energy and go make myself stronger so the quests are easier and I can do 'em with my eyes closed.