Have a few questions pertaining to a Hara and its skills. (More to follow about each race).
First off, the multiplier is (X * (level)^3)/40 X is the multiplier in question Different races have different multipliers for different skills.
Alchemy, Blacksmith, Craft, Harvest. What is max skill for each and what is the cost multiplier? 14,10,6,14,5,3
Sheild, Staff, Wand (I feel like I am missing one) What is max skill for each and what is the cost multiplier? 14,10,6,14,5,3?
Also can you verify the max skill on the following:
Dagger is 60 but what is the multiplier
Sense Magic is 90 but multiplier?
Meditate is 90 but Multiplier?
Lock pick is 60 but multiplier?
Also I can't remember Regenerate on a Hara.
Finally, Karate? is this going to be a racial Weapon or Skill? Will Hara be able to get it?